陈楸帆原文×刘宇昆译文在斯科特有限却也绝不贫乏的中国社交经验中,大部分中国人会谈论国际政治及世界局势,一部分人会聊生意,少数人会提及宗教或业余爱好,但却从来没有一个人主动提起自己的家庭,更不会发问。In Scott’s limited—but not inconsiderable—experience of socializing with Chinese men, he had found that most would converse about international politics and global trends. Some would talk about business, and a few would bring up religion or hobbies. But never once had he encountered anyone who brought up his own family or asked about Scott’s.我们靠垃圾养家糊口,发家致富,赚得越多,环境越糟糕,就像拽着一根套着自己脖子的麻绳,拽得越紧,越透不过气来,但是你一松手,下面就是陷阱。水太深了。We rely on waste to feed our families, to grow rich. But the more money we make, the worse the environment becomes. It’s like we are holding on to a rope looped around our necks. The harder we pull, the less we can breathe. But if we let go, we’ll fall into the bottomless pit below and drown.别靠得太近,你会看得更清楚。Don’t get too close. You’ll see more clearly that way.记住,由古至今,我们从来只有一个社会,那就是丛林社会。Remember, from the beginning of history till now, we have had only one society: a society based on the law of the jungle.表面上一成不变的传统,历经千百年,终究还是在科技面前渐渐败退。Traditions that had supposedly been unchanged for hundreds, thousands of years were finally, gradually fading in the face of science and technology.现实无法解决的问题,老人们会说,交给神明去判决。When a problem can’t be resolved by the methods of this world, the elders used to say, it’s best to hand it over to gods and spirits.人早晚要遭报应的。Sooner or later, karma catches up with everyone.活人是不用做功德的,只有死人需要。The living didn’t need charity, only the dead.救赎便意味着牺牲,自古如此。Salvation requires sacrifices—always has.这世上,有许多种干净,有许多种公平,也有许多种幸福感。人只能选择,或被选择其中一种。In this world, there are many forms of cleanliness, many forms of fairness, and many forms of happiness. All we can do is to choose from among them, or to have our choices be made for us.我曾经耐心等待,想看到镜中章鱼变化出一个稳定的图案,结果,我得到了一条死章鱼。于是我明白了,稳定即死亡。Once, I waited patiently to see if an octopus in front of a mirror would eventually settle down to a stable pattern; I ended up with a dead octopus. And this was how I came to understand that stability was the same as death.义体不再是残障者的辅助工具,也不仅仅是身体可自由替换的零部件或装饰品,义体已经成为人类生命的一部分,它储存着你的喜怒哀乐、你的阶级、你的社会关系、你的记忆。义体就是你。Prostheses were no longer merely aids for the handicapped or even decorations or components of the body, to be exchanged and upgraded at will; rather, prostheses had already become a part of the definition of human life: they were the repositories for our joys, sorrows, terrors, and passions, our class, our social status, our memories.Your prostheses are you.你,我,甚至整个人类,都是寄生虫。You, me, even the entire human race—we’re all parasites.一场慢上百万倍的核爆。亿万年间趋同进化的副产品。你的第二人格和生命意外险。量子退相干时浮现的自由意志。我是偶然。我是必然。我是一个新的错误。我既是主宰又是奴隶,是猎人又是猎物。我只是个开始。A nuclear explosion that has been slowed down a million times; a byproduct of billions of years of convergent evolution; your second personality and life insurance; the free will that emerges from quantum decoherence. I’m accidental; I’m inevitable. I’m a new error. I’m the master and the slave. I’m the huntress and the prey. I’m only a beginning.上帝按照自己的模样创造人类,人类探究世间万物的秘密,发明理论,创造科技。人类寄望于造出更接近自己的造物,让科技模仿生命,不断进化,力图接近金字塔的顶点,而人类却轻易地将自己全盘托付给科技,退缩为坐享其成的寄生物,停滞前进的步伐。God had created humankind in His own image. Humankind explored the mysteries of the world, invented theories, devised science and technology. Humans wanted to create something even closer to their creator, to make science imitate life, evolving endlessly to approach the apex of the pyramid. Humans would then entrust their future to technology and become its parasites, no longer progressing forward.人总自以为是弄潮儿,到头来不过是随波逐流。People always think of themselves as playing with the tides, but in the end, they find out that the tides play with them.For all tomorrow’s parties.