“璐夕,我告诉你哦,你知道我刚离开你们那会多痛苦,在日本一个朋友都没有,还得学日语,简直……都没法形容了,我是特别特别的想你们。”“装吧!牧尚源!那现在呢,也变成帅g了!也会日语了,也有美女在身边转悠了,爸爸妈妈你也不怕了,你还不满个什么?”“我真发现你个小丫头片子越来越不像话了!”他被我揭穿,不爽的样子。“好了不说在日本了,省的你说我忘本。要不我给你唱个日语的流行歌曲呗。”“你得保证别太难听!然后唱个中文的,日本的鸟语我听不懂!”我故意挖苦他!哈哈,我是不是特狡猾,特不讲究?“璐夕!我的忍耐快到极限了!”我看见他额头的青筋已经爆出来了。“拉倒吧!你唱不唱啊?不唱我回家吃饭去了!”“你怎么还和小时候一样就知道吃?”“今天容忍你最后一次,听好帅g美妙的声音!等下次,我可不唱了。”“别磨叽了,赶紧的!”我督促他。看他那样子真是被我惹的有点火了!他深深吸了一口气,目视着前方开始认真的唱起来:i”m holding on your rope,got me ten feet off the groundi”m hearing what you say but i just can”t make a soundyou tell me that you need methen you go and cut me down, but waityou tell me that you”re sorrydidn”t think i”d turn around, and say。。。it”s too late to apologize, it”s too latei said it”s too late to apologize, it”s too latei”d take another chance, take a falltake a shot for youand i need you like a heart needs a beatbut it”s nothing newi loved you with a fire red-now it”s turning blue, and you say。。。”sorry” like the angel heaven let me think was youbut i”m afraid。。。虽然他唱的是英文的。但我能感觉里面有股真情流露,唱的非常悲伤,让人安静的去享受这首歌!!!